Congratulations to Professor Matthieu Allez

At the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology we recognize and honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of gastroenterology and generously shared their expertise and knowledge with our members, fostering strong and enduring collaborations, inspiring and guiding the professional development of our members.

We are delighted to announce that Professor Matthieu Allez has been appointed as an Honorary Member of the SRGH at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Romanian Crohn and Colitis Club (RCCC).

It is a great honor and pleasure for me to confer upon Professor Matthieu Allez the Honorary Membership on behalf of SRGH.


Prof. Dr. Liana Gheorghe

President of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (SRGH)



Professor Matthieu Allez is the Chief of the Department of Gastroenterology at Saint Louis Hospital in Paris and a Professor at Diderot University of Medicine in Paris.


He completed two years of training as a visiting associate in the Department of Immunobiology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, NY, USA.

His primary research interests include the regulation of mucosal immune responses, the identification of biomarkers, and the development of biological therapies for IBD.


Matthieu Allez has served the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization (ECCO) as Chair of the Scientific Committee and Scientific Officer, and has also been a member of the Scientific Committee of United European Gastroenterology (UEG). He is a member of the International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IOIBD), a member of GETAID, co-founder and President of the research group REMIND, and past President of AFEMI (the French national organization for therapeutic education in IBD).

In 2009, he first came to Romania for the Cluj ECCO Workshop as an officer, alongside Professor Simon Travis, where he delivered a state-of-the-art presentation on pouchitis.


From 2018 he begun to organize with the Romanian team each year a Franco Romanian IBD Course with the occasion of the National Symposium of IBD. Every year, he brought a French “task force” and provided invaluable support in advancing knowledge and clinical practice for IBD in Romania. He has consistently shared his passion and expertise during each visit to our country, helping us grow both as a community and as individuals.
Our 6th course in 2023 was part of the events organized in celebration of the 30th anniversary of “Romania dans la Francophonie,” highlighting the long-standing knowledge-sharing bond between our countries.


For all your contributions to strengthening the Franco-Romanian medical collaboration and for your ongoing efforts in training Romanian gastroenterologists in IBD, on behalf of Romanian gastroenterologists and IBD enthusiasts of all ages and experience, I would like to express our sincere gratitude:


“Merci Matthieu!”

Prof. Dr. Mihai-Mircea Diculescu


Ceremony of awarding the title of Honorary Member of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (SRGH) to Professor Dr. Matthieu Allez, Paris, France at the 16th Annual Meeting of RCCC

Bucharest, September 12, 2024





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Doar membrii SRGH în vârstă de până la 35 de ani pot participa la competiția QUIZ CAZ CLINIC ce va apărea ÎN CURÂND în secțiunea educațională, cu posibilitatea de a câștiga un premiu profesional semnificativ care constă în participarea la UEGW 2025, Berlin!


Deveniți membru SRGH, conectați-vă cu comunitatea de gastroenterologie!

A fi membru al comunității SRGH este o onoare și o datorie pentru fiecare din noi !